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Stock Images and Vectors in Summer category

Time start living life fullest. Joyful optimistic woman having fun during vacation tilting head touching curly hair and enjoying summer sunshine in trendy striped t-shirt and shorts over orange wall. Yeah we did it. Joyful lucky redhead middle-aged female winner pump fists up celebration success gesture yelling triumph joy smiling broadly celebrate awesome news stand green background happy. Girl sighing and gazing at cute thing clenching palms together near heart smiling with admiration and love being feminine and tender posing over orange background feeling affection. Copy space Thrilled and excited positive attractive woman with fair hair tanned skin and tattooed arms smiling joyfully with opened mouth staring impressed and delighted at camera, pointing left over purple wall. Shocked impressed speechless surprised girl gasping drop jaw pointing herself chest stare camera astonished unexpected promotion being chosen picked winning lottery stand yellow background. Dreamy flirty feminine cute female curly hairstyle sighing lovely admiration look up smiling broadly touch cheeks blushing recall heartwarming romantic date express tempation joy yellow background. Lifestyle. Offended silly timid cute girl sulking pouting lips frowning whining upset cross hands block pose insulted look moody camera disagree acting childish complaining unfair game purple background. Lifestyle. Impressed excited enthusiastic attractive lively girl celebrating good news gesturing shaking hands thrill joy smiling broadly found out great perfect event grinning joyfully purple background. Happy caring tender feminine girlfriend curly long hair hold smartphone picking song listen way home smiling broadly look mobile phone scroll music platform wear wireless earbud yellow background. Lifestyle. Please one small favor. Cute silly charming young girlfriend asking lend money press palms together praying supplication gesture implore you help hopefully smiling begging yellow background. Cheerful lively upbeat entertained happy girl curly hairstyle open mouth amused pointing center herself happily tell own achievement smiling broadly telling friends promotion purple background. Hey you congrats. Joyful good-looking friendly enthusiastic lovely girl laughing happily pointing camera joking picking making choice congratulate excellent job stand yellow background smiling. Friendly happy relaxed good-looking woman say namaste smiling broadly relieved feel okay grinning positive vibe press palms together supplication gesture asking offer hopeful yellow background. Lifestyle. Modest cute friendly outgoing attractive european woman long curly haircut waving palm sociable conversation introduce herself smiling broadly say hi hello greeting coworker yellow background. Cheerful motivated enthusiastic upbeat curly-haired girl turn left pointing sideways contemplate produly good choice smiling delighted having perfect summer day stand purple background. Carefree tender attractive woman curly long hairstyle show heart sign near chest express love like summer memories smiling broadly tilt head joyfully confess romantic feelings cherish friendship. Lifestyle. No thats enough. Serious-looking confident woman restrain man demand stay away give refusal look intense prohibit rejecting suspicious unpleasant offer stand yellow background. Copy space Shocked speechless scared stunned curly-haired caucasian woman gasping hold fingers mouth biting nails stare camera frightened express fear terrified scary movie stand yellow background. Excited cheerful happy creative smart girl raise index finger eureka gesture smiling broadly stare camera thrilled got excellent idea share suggestion think up perfect solution purple background. Lifestyle. Excited happy cheerful optimistic girl peeking nervously awaiting results look one eye camera hopeful smiling broadly cross fingers good luck intense praying dream come true fulfillment wish. Lifestyle. Cheerful good-looking friendly carefree young girl hold smartphone horizontal pointing index finger mobile phone screen smiling broadly introduce awesome game app stand yellow background. Friendly cheerful charming helpful curly-haired girl give direction suggest promo smiling broadly self-assured confident making good choice grinning assertive stand purple background show copy space. Lifestyle. Visit see yourself. Cheerful charismatic good-looking outgoing girl long curly haircut showing place do good hairstyle smiling happily delighted pointing thumb left introduce promo yellow background. Cutrious interested excited attractive enthusiastic girl gossiping intrigued stare camera thrilled folding lips tempting admiration show thumb left impressive cool thing hold hand waist relaxed. Lively excited enthuasitic good-looking woman curly hairstyle open mouth fascinated look admiration joy share awesome place location pointing left smiling broaldy thrilled purple background. Oh yes check out my moves. Cheeky stylish good-looking young woman having fun party all night smiling delighted dancing lift hands up fist pump celebration success gesture grinning satisfied. Not bad got my approval. Pleased impressed cheerful sassy female coworker congratulating colleague nice job well done show okay ok agree gesture nod accepting great result purple background. Shocked upset disappointed curly girl shouting sorrow face troublesome shocking situation grab head scream panic outraged pissed and angry, standing distressed purple background. Copy space Nice well done mate. Cheerful outgoing cheeky attractive curly-haired female wink smiling nod approval show thumbs up like your choice good job accept terms stand yellow background. Happy lively lucky enthusiastic girl curly hairstyle open mouth admiration fascinated smiling broadly touch cheek impressed surprised awesome incredible positive news stand purple background. Lively excited happy cute european girl supportive give positive reply think event awesome smiling broadly show thumbs-up approval, accept great choice stand yellow background thrilled. Girl feeling huge pain suffer heartbreaking break-up grab head panicking close eyes clench teeth anxiously troubled feel distress terrible situation stand yellow background hopeless grieving. Lifestyle. Okay my approval vote yours. Cheerful cute curly-haired female tilt head satisfied show ok ring sign agree accepting terms smiling gladly delighted perfect quality like express positive judgement. Back up I said no. Ignorant bothered displeased intense serious woman cringe grimacing disgusted step back hold hands stop enough rejection gesture express aversion demand not come closer. Upbeat confident good-looking female showing photo smartphone display hold mobile phone extended arm camera pointing index finger cellphone screen smiling delighted promote app internet application. Lifestyle. Come closer take my hand. Cheerful lovely charismatic tender woman extend arms forward camera wanna hold receive charming gift tilt head smiling pleased grateful stand yellow background. Copy space Cheerful surprised happy girl receive unbelievable super prize winning triumphing smiling joyfully shake hands excitement joy celebrating perfect news grinning happily victory purple background. Girl have two suggestions pointing sideways. Cheerful charismatic curly-haired attractive woman pointing left right index fingers introduce promo products smiling broadly lively recommend ad. Girl faithfully believe dream come true hopefully awaiting positive results smiling broadly cross fingers good luck implore god good news stand excited optimistic yellow background. Happy impressed attractive girl long curly haircut drop jaw amused smiling surprised delighted look pointing up index fingers stare admiration fascinated awesome promo offer yellow background.Lifestyle. Lucky girl feeling like winner. Triumphing excited cheerful young woman raise hands fist pump up celebratory smiling broadly thrilled yelling supportive root favorite team reach success. Happy cheerful attractive female express positive upbeat attitude show peace victory signs smiling broadly toothy adorable grin having fun enjoy summer holidays posing photograph purple wall. Lifestyle. Girl screaming panic. Troubled distressed anxious woman see huge mess terrified feel sorrow shouting shocked grab head hopeless problem terrible situation yelling shook stunned yellow background. Cheerful positive lovely girlfriend curly hairstyle touch cheek blushing modest cute showing victory peace sign near eye optimistic upbeat attitude having fun enjoying summer yellow background. Lifestyle. Serious-looking displeased assertive female friend stand confident demand stop smoking pull palm camera forbid disapproval gesture restrain you making bad choice purple background. Happy enthusiastic excited cute playful girl winning awesome smartphone game thrilled playing stare camera surprised triumphing smiling happily hold mobile phone horizontal yellow background. Dreamy wondered impressed cute lively excited positive girl feel happy travel abroad explore new city tourist trip smiling broadly contemplate awesome view look pointing left grinning purple wall. Lifestyle. Adorable lovely funny cute woman curly brown hairstyle tilt head touch cheek blishing silly flirty smiling camera show peace victory sign express positive joyful attitude stand purple background. Lifestyle. Carefree happy attractive smiling girl hold head curly hairstyle turn away upper left corner sunny summer day excellent lucky weekends standing amused excited adventures start yellow background. Lifestyle. Cheerful supportive lively outgoing caucasian girl like your idea positive opinion give approval show thumbs up satisfied smiling broadly accepting great plan stand purple background.