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Conceptual still life and typography promoting safety and social distancing by Sonnet15

Conceptual still life and typography promoting safety and social distancing Stock Image

by Sonnet15


Conceptual still life and typography promoting safety and social distancing during covid-19 pandemic by staying at home


  • Royalty Free License


  • new normal, stay home order, stay home and stay safe, fighting covid-19, typography, text bubble, design asset, nobody, no people, self isolation, social distancing, still life, typographic, inspirational, motivational, lettering, calligraphy, slogan, campaign, lock down, health, awareness, flu, message, 2019-ncov, stay at home, prevention, stay safe, covid-19, stay home, pandemic, coronavirus, text, info, flatten the curve, protection, information, coping with covid-19, the new normal, safety measure, safety, health crisis, infection control, indoors, design element, home, home quarantine, important message, guideline