It is 100 % free to sign-up and search for images. You only need to pay when you have found the images you want to purchase and need to sign-up for a subscription. It is also free to contact us and ask for advice.
Stock images are an easy and great way to enhance the professional look of your design. It adds a visual feel and makes the design lively, at the same time that it attracts readers and help you prove a point.
At you will find stock images for all your needs.
All our creative images have a Royalty Free (standard) license. This makes it easy for you, since you can use the images an unlimited amount of times for almost any purpose* without having to pay extra. The rights granted are non-transferable and personal to you or your company.
Once you have purchased an image, there is no time limitation on when you can use the image. It is yours forever.
All Creative images at have a Royalty Free license, which means that you can reuse the same image in several media without paying extra.
An Extended License is needed for when the unedited image or vector adds most or all of the value to a product. One example is printing images directly on canvas or t-shirt without making modifications, edits or improvements.
Digital Use:
Printed Use:
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Nope! The best argument to use Royalty Free stock images you find at, is that there are almost no limitations. You can use the images an unlimited amount of times without paying extra. There are also no limitations on the duration of the usage or the size.
It doesn't matter if you use the image in a magazine, on a website or any other use. All uses are included in the same license. You can also use the same image in different media, without paying extra.
lease note that we recommend contacting us if you need to produce 500,000 print runs of any print on demand items, books, magazines or other print runs.
All Creative images at this site have a Royalty Free license. This license grants you the permission to use the image without restriction to size, circulation, media and the like. The license covers most uses our customers have.
The same image can be a part of a commercial, your web design and your business card. You can use the image for as long as you want. Royalty Free images are an affordable solution without any extra costs added.
The Royalty Free license does not give you the right to resell the image in any way. You cannot use an image in a pornographic or unlawful purpose, to defame a person, to violate a person's right to privacy or publicity, to infringe upon any copyright, trade name, trademark, or service mark of any person/entity. The license is also non-transferable, and belongs to you as a person or the company who purchased the license.
In addition to Creative / Royalty Free stock images, also sells editorial images. These images are intended for editorial use only, and cannot be used commercially.
Editorial rights are licensed on a use-by-use basis. Use in an editorial manner means use relating to events that are newsworthy or of public interest and usually distributed through a legitimate mass media, presumably unbiased, which reaches an anonymous audience.
As a rule of thumb images marked editorial should only be used in connection with an editorial article. The article (or text) has to have a relevance to the image used. You can use an image of a celebrity to illustrate an article about that celebrity, but you cannot use the image to illustrate the article "Ten steps to get the man of your dreams". You also cannot use an editorial image commercially, f.ex use an image of a famous couple and connect it to the online dating-service you run. What you can do, however, is to use the image in connection with the article "Love is blooming in Hollywood".
The copyright of images found at are solely owned by the photographer who took the image. When you purchase an image, you get a license that grants you permission to use the image. has obtained the rights to market and sell licenses of the photos / artworks for the photographers. The photographer gets paid a commission each time an image is downloaded or streamed.
Almost all possible uses of images are covered by the standard Royalty Free license. If you are reselling the image in any way (f.ex in a template, on t-shirt, coffee mugs, etc), and you have circulation of your products of more than 100, you must contact us for a Pro Plan. There are also a few restrictions on use, which is described below.
Royalty Free images cannot be used in a defamatory, unlawful or pornographic way. You cannot use them in trademarked logos or use images depicting people in political campaigns in such a way that the model seems to embrace a special political cause. You cannot use an image to infringe any copyright, trade name, trademark or service mark of any entity or person. Images marked as editorial must only be used in an editorial context. You cannot modify editorial images, except moderate color adjustments, cropping and the like. There is a also a restriction on using a subscriptions to build your own photo bank. If you regularly need images, you must have a subscription.
Yes! Images with a Royalty Free license can be used or incorporated into a logo. Please note, however, that it is not possible to trademark a logo with a Royalty Free image in it. Also remember that other people and companies can purchase the same image as you have chosen, since you do not receive the exclusive rights to the image(s) you buy.
Generally most uses of stock images are covered by the standard Royalty Free license. The exception is if you are selling a product which incorporates the images in an essential manner. This basically means that you must purchase an extended license if you are selling a product where the image is central to the product you are selling. Examples of this could be if you are using the image on postcards, t-shirts or coffee cups. We also recommend an extended license if you need to print/use the image more than 500 000 times (this does not apply to advertisements, tv-productions or websites).
If you are making a product in less than 100 copies, you do NOT need an extended license. If you purchase a standard license, you can upgrade it to an extended license by contacting us. To acquire an extended license, you need an Extended License. This can be purchased for 29 download credits per single image otherwise please contact us for larger extended license plans.
We only accept payment in US Dollars. Please note, however, that your credit card supports all major currencies, so you will be able to use your card even though it's main currency is not US Dollars.
Vector files are scalable graphic files. These files can be resized indefinitely without loss of quality. That makes these files very handy when working with graphic design. Vector graphics is based on images made up of vectors (also called paths, or strokes) which lead through locations called control points. In this way the vector file is a mathematical description of how the image should look. We sell both EPS and SVG vector files. Please note that you may require additional software in order to use vector files. Adobe Illustrator is recommended, but also Adobe Photoshop handles EPS files to a degree. The free software Inkscape handles SVG files. In order to download vector files you need to purchase the Print subscription.
All our images are JPEGs. Our vector files are either EPS or SVG. In addition all vector files are also available as JPEGs.