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Tiny Insect Nymph Navigating Across Tree Bark (Phasmatodea sp.) by jjvanginkel

Tiny Insect Nymph Navigating Across Tree Bark (Phasmatodea sp.) Stock Image

by jjvanginkel


A small insect nymph (Phasmatodea sp.) navigates over the bark surface of an acacia thorn tree, Marble Hall, South Africa


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  • insect, insects, nymph, phasmatodea, stick, legs, antenna, eye, web, string, tree, bark, acacia, flower, stem, stamen, pollen, small, thin, miniature, bug, delicate, fragile, premature, nature, natural, environment, beauty, motion, vibration, abstract, rough, surface, forest, woods, yellow, green, gray, transparent, brown, south africa, close-up, macro, photograph, photography, color, colors, background, backgrounds, horizontal