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Freshly squeezed orange juice, sweet watermelon dessert and spikelets of ripe wheat on a wooden table in the sunlight... by Alla_Yurtayeva

Freshly squeezed orange juice, sweet watermelon dessert and spikelets of ripe wheat on a wooden table in the sunlight... Stock Image

by Alla_Yurtayeva


Freshly squeezed orange juice, sweet watermelon dessert and spikelets of ripe wheat on a wooden table in the sunlight.


  • Royalty Free License


  • watermelon, juice, glass, dessert, food, cafe, spikelets, bread, wheat, shade, sun, red, yellow, vitamins, summer, fresh, fragrant, sweet, ready, circle, seeds, wooden, natural, vegan, vegetarianism, tablecloth, napkin, snack, ice, straw, eat, table, drink, grains, atmospheric, cooling, refreshing, restaurant, lunch, dinner, breakfast