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Cathedral Church of Christ interior with stained glass window and nave in Liverpool, UK by bestravelvideo

Cathedral Church of Christ interior with stained glass window and nave in Liverpool, UK Stock Image

by bestravelvideo


Cathedral Church of Christ interior with stained glass window and nave in Liverpool, UK


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  • Liverpool, Cathedral Church of Christ, Liverpool cathedral interior, nave architecture,interior view, stained glass window, nave, Gothic architecture, religious landmark, architectural marvel, Anglican cathedral, awe-inspiring space, ornate details, light and color, peaceful atmosphere, spiritual center, historic monument, tourist attraction, photogenic interior, sacred space, soaring ceilings, stained glass artistry, religious iconography, architectural heritage, place of reflection, inspiring atmosphere, architectural gem, Gothic revival, religious, religious symbolism, place of pilgrimage, spiritual sanctuary, awe-inspiring beauty, house of prayer, Anglican tradition, rich history, Merseyside culture, pilgrimage destination, community landmark, urban sanctuary, nobody, no people, long exposure