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Woman enjoys  practicing yoga on the roof,Parivrtta Janu Sirsasana/Revolved Head to Knee Pose. Woman enjoys practicing yoga on the roof,Trikonasana right/Right triangle pose, Woman enjoys practicing yoga on the roof of a building. Woman enjoys practicing yoga on the roof,Ardha Padmasana/Half-lotus pose Woman enjoys practicing yoga on the roof,Paschimottanasana/Seated forward bend Portrait of exhausted and sleepy nerdy man holding book. Portrait of happy and handsome nerdy man. Beautiful woman with Santa hat holding gift. Portrait of nerdy man thinking. Modern businessman with beard looking at watch and walking on the city street. Woman enjoys practicing yoga on the roof,Adho Mukha Svanasana/Downward facing dog pose, left leg up Woman enjoys  practicing yoga on the roof,Eka pada Rajakapotasana/Pigeon pose Woman enjoys practicing yoga on the roof of a building. Woman enjoys  practicing yoga on the roof,Trikonasana Bikram/Bikram triangle right Woman enjoys practicing yoga on the roof of a building. Woman enjoys practicing yoga on the roof of a building. Woman enjoys  practicing yoga on the roof,Boat Pose/Navasana Woman enjoys  practicing yoga on the roof,Halasana/Plow pose Woman enjoys  practicing yoga on the roof of a building. Woman enjoys practicing yoga on the roof of a building. Woman enjoys  practicing yoga on the roof of a building. Woman enjoys  practicing yoga on the roof of a building. Woman practicing yoga on the roof,Matsyendrasana/Fish pose with straight legs Woman enjoys practicing yoga on the roof,Ustrasana advanced/Camel pose, palms set against feet Woman enjoys practicing yoga on the roof,Virabhadrasana/Warrior pose. Woman enjoys practicing yoga on the roof of a building. Woman enjoys practicing yoga on the roof,Marichyasana Woman enjoys practicing yoga on the roof,Setu Bandha Sarvangasana/Supported Bridge Pose Woman enjoys practicing yoga on the roof,Adho Mukha Svanasana/Downward facing dog pose. Woman practicing yoga on the roof, Upavista konasana Portrait of nerdy man is showing his braces with magnifying glass. Portrait of nerdy man in panic holding book. Portrait of nerdy man pointing at  clock. Close up portrait of nerd looking with . Portrait of surprised nerdy man reading book. Portrait of happy  nerdy man holding clock. Portrait of Exhausted nerd student holding book. Portrait of happy handsome nerdy man. Portrait of beautiful happy woman with Santa hat holding clock. Portrait of nerdy man looking in his pants magnifying glass. Exhausted nerd student holding book. Portrait of nerdy man in panic holding clock. Portrait of self-confident nerdy man. Portrait of nerdy man thinking. Portrait of frustrated nerdy man. Nerdy man enjoys drinking coffee. Portrait of uncertain nerdy man. Woman  enjoys practicing yoga on the roof of a building,Parsvottanasana /Intense side stretch. Woman practicing yoga on the roof,Eka pada Rajakapotasana/Pigeon pose. Beautiful woman  enjoys practicing yoga on the roof of a building.