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Reed Warbler, vintage engraved illustration. From Deutch Birds of Europe Atlas.
Tit, vintage engraved illustration. From Deutch Birds of Europe Atlas.
Firecrest, vintage engraved illustration. From Deutch Birds of Europe Atlas.
Wren, vintage engraved illustration. From Deutch Birds of Europe Atlas.
Black platelets, vintage engraved illustration. From Deutch Birds of Europe Atlas.
Fence warbler, vintage engraved illustration. From Deutch Birds of Europe Atlas.
Garden Warbler, vintage engraved illustration. From Deutch Birds of Europe Atlas.
Dunnock, vintage engraved illustration. From Deutch Birds of Europe Atlas.
Blackbird, vintage engraved illustration. From Deutch Birds of Europe Atlas.
Dunnock, Garden Warbler, Black platelets, Fence warbler, Firecrest, Wren, Reed Warbler, vintage engraved illustration. From Deutch Birds of Europe Atlas.
Fieldfare, vintage engraved illustration. From Deutch Birds of Europe Atlas.
Song thrush, vintage engraved illustration. From Deutch Birds of Europe Atlas.
Nightingale, vintage engraved illustration. From Deutch Birds of Europe Atlas.
Black redstart, vintage engraved illustration. From Deutch Birds of Europe Atlas.
Robin, vintage engraved illustration. From Deutch Birds of Europe Atlas.
Nightingale, Robin, Black Redstart, Song Thrush, Blackbird, Fieldfare, vintage engraved illustration. From Deutch Birds of Europe Atlas.
Reed Bunting, vintage engraved illustration. From Deutch Birds of Europe Atlas.
Starling, vintage engraved illustration. From Deutch Birds of Europe Atlas.
Waxwing, vintage engraved illustration. From Deutch Birds of Europe Atlas.
Oriole, vintage engraved illustration. From Deutch Birds of Europe Atlas.
Goldammer, vintage engraved illustration. From Deutch Birds of Europe Atlas.
Crossbill, vintage engraved illustration. From Deutch Birds of Europe Atlas.
Crossbill, Goldammer, Waxwing, Oriole, Starling, Reed Bunting, vintage engraved illustration. From Deutch Birds of Europe Atlas.
Black woodpecker, vintage engraved illustration. From Deutch Birds of Europe Atlas.
Common swift, vintage engraved illustration. From Deutch Birds of Europe Atlas.
Red-backed shrike, vintage engraved illustration. From Deutch Birds of Europe Atlas.
Woodpecker, vintage engraved illustration. From Deutch Birds of Europe Atlas.
Barn Swallow, vintage engraved illustration. From Deutch Birds of Europe Atlas.
Flycatcher, vintage engraved illustration. From Deutch Birds of Europe Atlas.
Carrion crow, hooded crow, magpie, jackdaw, jay, vintage engraved illustration. From Deutch Birds of Europe Atlas.
Barn Swallow, Common Swift, Red-backed Shrike, flycatcher, woodpecker, black woodpecker, vintage engraved illustration. From Deutch Birds of Europe Atlas.
Magpie, vintage engraved illustration. From Deutch Birds of Europe Atlas.
Carrion crow, vintage engraved illustration. From Deutch Birds of Europe Atlas.
Jackdaw, vintage engraved illustration. From Deutch Birds of Europe Atlas.
Hooded crow, vintage engraved illustration. From Deutch Birds of Europe Atlas.
Jay, vintage engraved illustration. From Deutch Birds of Europe Atlas.
Decorative door of Metallurgy in the central gallery, vintage engraved illustration. Paris - Auguste VITU – 1890 The entrance of the Quai d'Orsay in Paris, France. Vintage engraving.
Coutan the fountain and the central dome, vintage engraved illustration. Paris - Auguste VITU – 1890. Longchamp Racecourse, Given the cascade of Bois De Boulogne, vintage engraved illustration. Paris - Auguste VITU – 1890. A rustic bridge over the Great Lake Bois de Boulogne, vintage engraved illustration. Paris - Auguste VITU – 1890. Parc Monceau, The Naumachie, vintage engraved illustration. Paris - Auguste VITU – 1890. The Avenue at Bois de Boulogne, vintage engraved illustration. Paris - Auguste VITU – 1890. The palace of the Trocadero given its large gallery, vintage engraved illustration. Paris - Auguste VITU – 1890. Caulaincourt the bridge over the Montmartre cemetery, vintage engraved illustration. Paris - Auguste VITU – 1890. Montmartre, Rue Saint-Vincent, vintage engraved illustration. Paris - Auguste VITU – 1890. The obelisk of the Meridian of Paris, vintage engraved illustration. Paris - Auguste VITU – 1890. Church of Saint Peter of Montmartre, vintage engraved illustration. Paris - Auguste VITU – 1890. Synagogue Street victory, vintage engraved illustration. Paris - Auguste VITU – 1890. The bells of St. Peter, vintage engraved illustration. Paris - Auguste VITU – 1890.