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A man rides an arrow over the word Crisis, symbolizing overcoming an emergency with a disaster plan A green button with the word Bonus on it, symbolizing the added value you may get at a sale or some additional compensation paid as a tip or gratuity A man presses a button beside the word Vote and choosing between a better future and being stuck in the past The words Input and Feedback written on a message board of sticky notes, symbolizing the gathering of opinions to bring about change and improvement A keyboard with a red key reading Help, symbolizing an emergency need for assistance Many people talking at the same time, pledging allegiance to the group by speaking the word Unity An open prescription medicine bottle on its side and spilled, with hundred dollar bills inside it A team of people work together to lift an arrow rising up, symbolizing cooperation and successful group effort A pyramid depicting the levels of higher education -- starting with high school diploma, then associate's degree, bachelor's degree, master's degree, and Ph.D A day is circled on a white calendar with a red marker, with the word Appointment as a reminder of a special meeting An old fashioned televisions with a broken screen hit by an arrow marked Exercise, symbolizing the need to reduce television watching and other sedentary activities and increase physical activity White clock with words Time to Focus on its face, symbolizing the need to concentrate or pay close attention to solve a problem A green and translucent capsule pill filled with balls reading Knowledge, symbolizing instant intelligence gained by schooling, education or training An arrow with the word Knowledge jumps over and overcomes Ignorance A thermometer with words It's Getting Hot at the top, with the mercury exploding through the glass and the descriptive terms melting, scorching, sizzling, boiling, burning A yellow diamond-shaped road sign cautions people that the end of the world is ahead A red person stands out in a crowd holding a sign reading Customers, symbolizing the targeting of consumers in a marketing campaign A pyramid of white balls with an arrow stuck in one that shows a pink heart, symbolizing the hunt for love and finding romance A badge and lanyard with printed pass reading Join the Team, symbolizing getting hired at a job and working toward teamwork A book with an arrow in its cover, symbolizing the killing of printed media due to the rise of technology: e-books and e-readers A modern tablet computer or e-reader displays a bow on its screen, having killed a traditional book by shooting an arrow into its cover An HDTV with an archery bow and an old fashioned television with a broken screen hit by an arrow, symbolizing the death of traditional television An arrow with the word Aim, pulled back on a red bow, symbolizing the importance of aiming for your goal or target to achieve success A golden trophy with the words You're Great, symbolizing praise, recognition or commendation for a job well done Two people with speech bubbles and the words Word of Mouth, symbolizing the spreading of rumor and gossip The words You're Great surrounded by a burst of fireworks and stars, symbolizing praise and accolades given to an overachiever for succeeding A chalk outline of a book symbolizing the death of the print industry due to the rise of new technologies like e-books and e-readers A diagram of words showing how to succeed in reaching a goal - dream, details and due date Three red dice with the words Fun and Games on their faces, symbolizing the enjoyable attributes of parties and entertainment A Venn diagram of overlapping circles analyzing what are your skills and passions to help you determine a career path A judge's gavel and the word Punish, symbolizing the hearing of an argument for a defendant who is found guilty and the decision of sentencing Pieces of paper each containing a word pinned to a cork board reading Big Journeys Begin With Small Steps An opening envelope revealing a card containing the name of the award winner, with the words And the Winner Is... A jet airplane flies above the words Fly There, symbolizing the ability to use air travel to get to your destination A prescription pill bottle with a burst of stars and the words Feel Better shooting out of it, symbolizing a cure and improving health to beat sickness and disease A crowd of people with question mark heads symbolizing wonder and confusion, in need of customer support to answer questions A magnifying glass on a pill bottle revealing the words Side Effects The words success, victory, ambition, accomplish and more 3d phrases against a cloudy sky A person stands onto a button marked Faith and his color transforms to symbolize his religious devotion and spirituality Three dollar signs lines up for a jackpot on 3 slot machine wheels, symbolizing a jackpot of wealth, money, riches The needle on a speedometer points to the word Internet, symbolizing a high speed connection such as cable or broadband, or the increase in web traffic A web browser window shows the words Order Medicine Online and a picture of some capsule pills, symbolizing the ease and savings one can experience when ordering or refilling prescription medication on the internet A diagram of a person browsing Internet on a laptop computer, searching for online pharmacies, and ordering medication from a web pharmacy The words Road to Opportunity in white letters on a street leading to an arrow symbolizing change, success and a chance at greatness An envelope opening to reveal the words Feel Better, the sentiment of a get well card A matrix illustrating the core principle of growing your investments - buying low and selling high Several colorful arrow street signs with words representing unique selling points for different stores - best prices, top brands, good service, reputation and convenience -- giving you reasons to shop there versus the competition A gavel comes down on the word Arbitration to symbolize the binding decision of a third party to settle a case An arrow jumps over a hole, with the question Are You Prepared, meant to make you wonder if you have a disaster plan and are ready for an emergency A wall calendar with tear-away pages, and words Bad Day, symbolizing a date that is dreaded, such as a due date for bills or taxes, or a day filled with disappointment