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Hand moving a slider to adjust products offer. Supply and demand management concept. Composite image between a hand photography and a 3D background. Funding campaign concept. Words funds attracted by a horseshoe magnet. 3d illustration Choice of the best color harmony. Hand moving a pad to select colors on a palette. Text we make the difference written with golden letter and other words. Company slogan concept. 3d illustration. Convergence, multichannel marketing strategy. Many arrows converging to to the same objective.  3d illustration Rubber stamps with the words goods and services over white background. 3d illustration Magnetic compass pointing north over black background. Navigation concept. 3d illustration Toxic agent poisoning. Bottle and pills of poison over black background. 3D illustration. Conceptual image with poison and antidote over black background. 3D illustration. Substractive colors CMYK. Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Key bottles over white background. 3D illustration. Pawns and generic coins over black background. Concept of locked-in money. 3D illustration. Metal box with many lead words inside. Buying Sales Leads concept. 3D illustration. Hand moving a slider to control an advertising campaign. Marketing strategy for brand promotion. Hand manipulating colors over black background. Substractive colors CMYK, Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Key concept Hand moving a slider to lower cost and increase margin. Sales price strategy. Magnifier over golden text written on black background. Company culture words. Brand values. 3D illustration Hand moving a slider to control an advertising campaign. Marketing strategy for brand promotion. Additive colors RVB. Red, Green, Blue bottles over white background. 3D illustration. 3d render of a compass which pointing a blue text. Improve the state of the world concept 3d render of many darts over a green background. The red dart hits the center of a target and the others failed. Concept of best or optimal strategy. Finger pressing a button on a conceptual calculator. Concept of budget planning or financial forecasting. 3d render of many pawns around a shopping cart over white background. Multi channel marketing and sales concept. Finger pressing a power button to start an electronic device. Energy saving concept. 3d render of many pawns around a shopping cart over black background. Multi channel marketing and sales concept. 3d render of a conceptual watch with blue needles. It's time to change, take action immediately concept Hand moving a slider to improve success level. Goal attainment scaling concept. Watch with golden text over black dial, Act now, take action or seize the opportunity without delay concept. 3d render. Golden stamp printed on a black background with copy space. Excellence or premium quality service concept. 3D illustration. One pawn and many golden coins over black background with 3 arrows. Investment decision making or porfolio diversification. 3d illustration. Box of different pills and tablets with warning sign. Drug interactions and risks or adverse effects concept. 3D render Many pawn in a corridor representing a tightly packed crowd. High density crowd flow management. Problem of congestion. 3D render User selecting a functionality by turning a knob on a SFA platform. Sales Force Automation concept. Finger pushing a button on a console. Operational management. Quality, cost and delivery. Magnifying glass over words cloud and the text Jobs and careers written in golden letters. Employment opportunities concept. 3d render Average menopause age timeline concept on a paper background with pushpin pined on the number 50. 3D render 3d illustration of a clock with the text it's time. Concept of deadline or urgency to achieve a goal. User interacting with a CRM and SFA dashboard. Concept of Customer Relationship Management and Sales Force Automation. KPI, Key Performance Indicators with blue colors. Acquiring new customers vs retaining existing ones. 3d render Woman hand pushing a stop button. Protest concept. Close up on a conceptual gauge. Investor sentiment, fear and greed index concept. 3d render. Focus on portrait of a women with magnifying glass, Female empowerment concept. 3d render. Rubber stamp over many words printed on a brown papaer. Cancel culture concept. 3d render. Red and white pawns over black background with golden arrows. Employee swap or turnover concept. 3d render Hand turning a knob with gears icon over white background. Concept of industrial revolutions steps and industry 5.0. Composite image between a photography and a 3D background. Hand turning an innovation knob to the highest position. Composite image between a photography and a 3D background. Top view of a fountain pen over paper background with copy space. Public letter writer concept. 3d illustration. Fountain pen over black background with copy space. Many colorful pawns in different rows. Priority pass, fast lane or VIP Privileges concept. 3d illustration. Finger turning knob to reduce LDL cholesterol. Silver and golden medals. Theory and practice concept. 3d illustration.